Corporate Travel directions will assist in the selection criteria of travel related technology services and/or products.
- Feasibility studies for the implementation and selection of Self-Booking tools and Electronic Expense Reporting products
- Assistance with GDS negotiations & contracts
- Cost savings analysis and impact of technology on travel program
Corporate Travel Directions will assist in the selection, consolidation and ongoing management of a designated travel agency.
- Review current agency relationship, pricing, service and contract
- Define objective, program requirements and travel agency expectations
- Design and manage the entire request for proposal (RFP) process
- Create scoring matrix and comparative analysis to determine the best bid
- Negotiate financial and service level agreements
- Oversee implementation of new program
- Review and consistently monitor agency performance and adherence to agreements
Assist with the selection and consolidation of a corporate card and/or payment system vendor
- Review T & E data and current corporate payment system methods
- Design and manage entire Corporate Card request for proposal (RFP) process
- Evaluate individual bids and prepare a comparative analysis
- Negotiate final contract
- Oversee implementation
Corporate Travel Directions will assist in the development of an effective travel policy.
- Clarify company policy objectives based on degree of discipline and requirements
- Review current policies and recommend new language and cost saving options
- Measure travel policy compliance in regards to expectations and Sarbanes Oxley
- Develop a policy based on desired practices and corporate culture
Corporate Travel Directions will assist in effectively communicating all aspects of your travel program to all employees.
- Review current means of communication for travel information and policies
- Design and implement a “travel” page on your company’s intranet through an affiliate network
- Seminars for travel coordinators, executive assistants and entire staff to review preferred vendors, travel procedures and policies
- Training sessions for new employees on your company’s policy for travel and entertainment
Corporate Travel Directions will assist in selecting preferred vendors including airline, hotel, car rental, limousine, and charge card suppliers.
- Analyze corporate travel data to identify opportunities for negotiated rates
- Review current vendor programs and define objectives and company needs for any changes
- Prepare, analyze, and arrange city pair and destination activity
- Strategic negotiation and contract assistance
- Measure and review vendor performance
Corporate Travel Directions has an established network of various entities that can assist you in obtaining special services in a wide variety of categories. Corporate Travel Directions will recommend only the best to fulfill your company’s needs. Please ask us, we can help you!
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